Regional Market Impact and Local Partnerships

Established In 1977


Global Presence and Regional Impact:

Mac’s Pharmaceuticals Ltd stands as a beacon of pharmaceutical excellence, holding the esteemed status of a registered export house. Our pharmaceutical products are not only well-regarded in our home country of Kenya but also recognized and registered in a multitude of countries across the region. These nations include Uganda, Malawi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. The reach of our healthcare solutions extends far and wide, reflecting our unwavering commitment to providing quality medicines and healthcare access beyond borders.
Our presence in the region has not only garnered recognition but also respect. We take immense pride in our leading products such as the highly effective Antacid tablet, “Tumbocid®,” and our trusted cough tablets, “Cofrid®.” These pharmaceutical solutions have become synonymous with efficacy and reliability, cementing our reputation as a trusted healthcare provider in the region.

Global Recognition:

Registered export house with products recognized in multiple countries.

Notable Products:

“Tumbocid®” and “Cofrid®” offer effective healthcare solutions.

Pain Relief Solutions:

“Maxadol®” tablets provide vital pain relief to communities.

Local Engagement:

Partnerships with Wholesalers, Distributors, and Healthcare Providers.

Mac's Pharmaceuticals Ltd - A Trusted Name in Healthcare. Serving diverse healthcare needs with excellence worldwide.

Call Us On
0738 496959
Reach out to us conveniently via phone or through our website.
Contact Us
Off Shimo La Tewa Rd,

Industrial Area.
P.O. Box 43912 – 00100 Nairobi

Copyright © Mac's Pharmaceuticals Limited 2023